My Thomas is misbehaving!

"Help, Thomas isn't working!" We've heard this before.Below, you'll find some helpful troubleshooting tips.

Thomas is freaking out for no reason!

Check out some of the tips below... if all else fails, he might need a nap!

Thomas keeps grumbling about how his 'arms feel weird'.

Thomas's arms feel weird when he hasn't exercised in a while.

Try telling him to go on a run (or do some pushups)!

Thomas is in a bad mood for no apparent reason.

Remember RED! “Have you gone for a RUN?” “Have you EATEN?” “When was the last time you DRANK water?”

Thomas started crying and freaking out while on a trip!

Thomas's mental health is tightly bound to his sense of control over his environment.

Unfortunately, if this happens, you may just need to send your Thomas back.

Confused Thomas